Read the latest in automation equipment, industrial robots and robotic automation and how CNC Design can help your business too!

CNC Design 3D Prints Concrete Building

CNC Design have developed Wide Area 3D printers. We currently print in concrete, composite thermoplastics such as ABS with carbon fibre, and high…

How does CNC Design see Gudel benefitting New Zealand industry?

The Güdel Group, established in 1954 and based in Langenthal, Switzerland, is a manufacturer of high-precision machine components and provider of…

CNC Design 30th Anniversary

CNC Design Ltd New Zealand ticked over thirty years of operation at the end of 2019, 30 years of representing Siemens in New Zealand, and bringing…

How does CNC Design see cloud-based IoT systems benefitting New Zealand industry?

New Zealanders are known throughout the world for their Number 8 wire approach to solving problems in an ingenious and resourceful manner, doing…

CNC Design Joins EHEDG

European Hygienic Engineering and Design group was started in 1989 by a group of leading food producers, in order to write hygiene optimised…